Joanna Bloor

Joanna Bloor

The Amplify Lab

Joanna Bloor is a potentialist who has transformed thousands of lives worldwide. A former Silicon Valley executive, TED speaker, and trusted advisor to leaders worldwide, she’s been described as a “glittering buzzsaw that cuts through all the workplace BS.” Instead of platitudes and possibilities, Joanna rolls up her sleeves and jumps in with future-focused leadership to create experiences that bring their teams into the future.

11:00 am - 12:00 pm

Flipping the ROI Script: Why You're the Best Campaign You'll Ever Run

Session Description: Ever scrutinized the ROI of a marketing campaign down to the last decimal? Now, it's time to turn the tables and spotlight the most valuable asset you've overlooked: You. In 'Flipping the ROI Script: Why You're the Best Campaign You'll Ever Run,' we're diving deep into the ROI of 'Me.' This isn't your typical sit-back-and-listen seminar. Prepare to engage, interact, and redefine your personal ROI in real-time. Led by the renowned Potentialist Joanna Bloor, this working session will arm you with the language and tools to make your personal ROI so compelling, others will think twice before questioning your strategies. Come ready to participate; you'll leave ready to transform how others invest in the 'Future You.'