What Others Are Saying About The Room
Room Dinners are always productive, fun and informative experiences...Coming out of these discussions actually spark rich conversations between my brand team toward ways we can further show support to our biggest customers.

The Room curates events that allow us to connect with clients on an intellectual level that established us as thought leaders. The events and dinners are high-quality and intimate enough that you really build relationships with top brands and agencies.

I recently attended a dinner, and it was one of the best professional and personal experiences I’ve had in years. A truly productive and memorable night – I highly recommend.

Based on the responses, I'd say the event was absolutely a success. I mentioned it near the end of the dinners, we are not often afforded the opportunity to hear brand and agency leaders collectively (and candidly) speak about their business and challenges. It is immensely valuable of us to help craft our narrative toward what is actually happening on their side of the industry vs. relying on our own assumptions. Definitely exceeded my expectations.