Austin Brand Summit
The Driskill Hotel
November 8 – 10, 2023
Austin, TX
November 8 - 10, 2023
Discussion Participants
150+ MarketingExecutives
Personal Growth & Marketing
This is not a marketing event. At The Room Brand Summit senior executives engage in intimate discussions about ideas, causes, and business challenges that matter most to them. Our program locates marketing in the larger contexts of making an impact, growing companies and celebrating our shared humanity. This experience is based on 3 core values:
- Professional development goes hand-in-hand with personal growth.
- 100% marketing learnings through group discussions. No talking heads, no intermediaries.
- We are in Austin, let's experience Austin.
As a participant you will be one of a curated group of 150 senior leaders. You will be inspired, challenged, and better prepared to confront the everyday obstacles of our organizations and industries. Through marketer-led workshops and adventures in the city of Austin, you will forge relationships that will strengthen your support network well beyond this week.
Who Should Attend
The Summit is free to attend (complimentary stay at the Driskill in Austin and a Summit pass) for qualified senior brand executives. To be a participant we ask that you come prepared to be an active contributor and to stay the entirety of the event. You won’t want to miss this!
Registration Opens
{ Marketer Only Meeting }
Marketing is Humanity First
Disruption is everywhere: fractured media, remote work, political and social unrest, AI and a continued shift to ecommerce are just a few of the issues organizations face each day. Unlike any other position, marketers are at the center of this disruption within brands. As marketers, we are charged externally with positioning and selling goods and services to customers, and internally we are the voice of the customer and, perhaps as a result, our shared humanity. How do we bridge this gap within our organizations?
My So-Called Gen Z Life
Gen Zers, the first digital natives, are not like you. Go into a day in the life of Gen Z. How do they wake up, eat, shop,work, socialize, date, and sleep? What happens when a generation that has everything at its fingertips doesn’t trust institutions of any kind? Sure they go to college and have jobs, but they also think the media can’t be trusted, the government is broken, and the planet is warming very quickly. Also remember your prom, homecomings, graduations, and showing up for the first day of work? Well, they don’t. So let's learn what makes them tick.
Is this Artificial Intelligence?
In this marketer only session we’ll take a walk through the rapidly evolving AI tools landscape in MarTech and answer this question - is it really AI or sales spin? Starting with the foundations of understanding what AI is (and isn’t) in marketing technology, we’ll review several of the tools that are proliferating the market and determine what they are actually doing - or not doing. We’ll then examine the questions to ask and how to evaluate an AI marketing tool to see if it really is going to add value to your brand. Followed by what promises to be a lively Q&A on this topic as we all try and figure out how best to use AI as it rapidly evolves and changes.
Partner Presentation
Brand Reception
Summit Welcome Reception
Yoga & Breakfast
{ General Session }
The Science of Maintaining Happy, Healthy Relationships
Many people agree that maintaining satisfying close relationships is one of the most important goals in life. Yet, in today’s society, many people struggle to achieve this goal - in fact, the U.S. Surgeon General recently cited loneliness as the defining public health crisis of our time. Drawing from their research on how couples’ relationships change and develop over time, Drs. Lisa Neff and Marci Gleason, professors at the University of Texas at Austin, will discuss the best ways to nurture our connections with loved ones so that we can reap the mental and physical health benefits that those relationships provide.
Reframe & Refresh: Rewiring Your Thought Patterns for Organizational Success
Are you ready to revolutionize the way you think, work and lead? It's easy to become trapped in old thought patterns, leading to stress, inefficiency and missed opportunities. Participate in this transformative training, "Recognize, Reframe and Refocus" and embark on a profound journey of self discovery and transformation. We will explore the power of taking a step back, gaining fresh perspectives and creating a workplace culture where this is not only encouraged but celebrated. This isn't just a training; it's a catalyst for a more innovative, resilient and empowered you.
AI: Redefining the Job Landscape
While some contend that white collar jobs will be most directly affected as more business activities become automated with AI, Shiv Singh, an accomplished CMO, author, and board member, offers a more nuanced perspective. Dive into a 45-minute exploration of what AI can truly achieve, its optimal applications, and strategies to navigate a future where every job includes co-piloting with an AI engine.
Marketer Lunch & Partner Presentations
{ Roundtables }
A) Show And Tell: Your Org Structure
What we talk about when we talk about sales and marketing. Lines have blurred. Organizations have reduced and become more cautious with headcount. Retail Media and E-commerce have introduced new disciplines (aka media & sales are bumping into each other). In this conversation, we will share how we are organized and talk about what works and does not.
B - Can I Measure Everything?
Marketing desperately wants to be a measurement business. But the days of one research org and linear television are dead. In its place are many walled gardens, retail media networks and a LumaScape Industry map that has 5xed in size over the past decade. And the C-Suite wants more measurement and more certainty. Marketers want to invest in brand equity, innovate, and experiment. If you want to improve your measurement communication skills and practices this is the session for you.
C - Crushing the Agency Brand Relationship
Includes do you need an agency. Return of the full service agency? Many Room Community members have small corporate teams and much larger agency teams. For better or worse, and til death (or an RFP) do us part, we are tightly coupled to our agencies. In this roundtable, we will discuss what we’ve learned about managing these relationships. In particular, we will focus on what we have learned in the years after the pandemic that can help us crush our
{ Austin Offsites }
Punch Bowl Social
Jacoby's Restaurant
San Jac Saloon
Guided Walking Tour
{ Morning Workshops }
How Do You Plan Your Career?
As individuals we are all over the personal vs professional risk map. We often work for companies like General Mills, L’Oreal and Nike. But we still must actively manage our careers and try to navigate our career objectives. We must also take care of our families and stay true to who we are as people. Some of us at large companies have highly creative, riskier ideas, but are we incentivized to try them? We want to fulfill our destiny, but we don’t want to get fired. What do we do?
Show and Tell: C-Suite Management
Can we discuss how we interact with our C-Suites? What’s your interaction cadence and what are the expectations of these sessions? How do you drive buy-in? And is it working? How do CRO conversations compare to those with CEOs? Sign up for this one because you’re prepared to share what’s working and not when you’re “in the room.” With the power of a candid and open workshop, we will provide the best practices that elevate these meetings and, as a result, our careers.
Media Planning Without Mass Media
Mad Men is a distant memory – and we don’t mean the show. Mass media created the industry mantra of reach and frequency. Now we don’t have mass media. So what is planning? Is it audiences? Data? Programmatic? Media Mix Modeling? In this workshop, we will explore these questions so we can return to our companies armed with an updated framework for 2024 planning.
Does Corporate Culture Matter Anymore?
Well, we’re biased, but YES. PLEASE. What are you and your company doing to foster corporate culture in a remote and hybrid world? Specifically, let’s explore how we coalesce teams. What works best for team meetings, offsites, on Zoom, and in person? How do we get the twenty-somethings on our team to crush it the way we once did? How do new people, particularly if they are senior, understand a new culture that has little face time? A workshop for managers who know the most successful teams are those with a sense of mission and purpose.
Influencer Marketing: Panacea or Pointless?
Rigorously Measuring Influencer Marketing. Every year, it gets more challenging to model media because our consumption patterns fragment. Influencers can command enormous reach and be extraordinary awareness generators. Meanwhile, the C-Suite craves increased accountability and, for many brands, a significant reliance on Marketing Mix Modeling. Influencer partnerships are not part of the model. Join us to share stories and determine whether influencer marketing is here to stay. If it is, let’s develop strategies to convince the C-suite of our vision.
Data Can Tell Your Story
Want to unlock more budgets, shift strategies, or get the C-Suite to listen up? Our best marketers have mastered using data to tell human and brand-oriented stories. How do we cherry pick and organize our data to accomplish our objectives? This workshop focuses on the specifics of optimizing your data solution so that it serves your most critical objectives as marketers. Inside your treasure trove of data is the true “signal”. In this workshop we will focus on extracting that signal and eliminating noise.
Revisiting MMM
Most people in advertising are familiar with the idea that “Half the money spent on advertising is wasted; the trouble is which half.” Marketers have spent years trying to unlock the magic formula to understand where the dollars would be best spent to drive efficiency and effectiveness, most recently focusing on MMM solutions. The problem with MMM is that even with the best outputs, we’re beholden to company politics and org structures that don’t allow for the right conversations and allocations of dollars. How can we take a step back to ensure that we’re investing in the right places, for the right reasons and optimizing our investments for brand impact and sales growth?
New Role? New Co? WTF?
The one constant in the Room community is change. People change jobs. Roles get redefined. CEOs and CMOs come and go. If you are trying to navigate “the new” join us to share tips and lessons learned that can maximize your success even as everything changes around you.
Are my Kids OK?
We all work so hard. Are we giving our kids enough time? Is this even the correct metric? If not, what is? Parenthood first, marketing second. In this session, parents of kids from newborn to newly working will exchange ideas and share insights about how to raise great kids who are inspired and prepared to tackle the world’s most significant challenges.
IQ / EQ from a Female Leadership Perspective
If there was one lesson that emerged from our inaugural women’s summit it was that women manage and lead from a quite different perspective than their male counterparts. Now in our co-ed brand summit we continue the conversation. How do these differences manifest and what does this mean for corporate performance and culture? Join this workshop to explore how women lead and what it can do for your career and your company.
Flipping the ROI Script: Why You're the Best Campaign You'll Ever Run
Session Description: Ever scrutinized the ROI of a marketing campaign down to the last decimal? Now, it's time to turn the tables and spotlight the most valuable asset you've overlooked: You. In 'Flipping the ROI Script: Why You're the Best Campaign You'll Ever Run,' we're diving deep into the ROI of 'Me.' This isn't your typical sit-back-and-listen seminar. Prepare to engage, interact, and redefine your personal ROI in real-time. Led by the renowned Potentialist Joanna Bloor, this working session will arm you with the language and tools to make your personal ROI so compelling, others will think twice before questioning your strategies. Come ready to participate; you'll leave ready to transform how others invest in the 'Future You.'
Discussion Leaders
Abhi Vyas
Verizon Wireless
Adam Shlachter
Allyson Dietz
Blake Holman
General Mills
Bunmi Familoni
Colleen Sherry
Edgewell Personal Care
David Zapata
Anheuser-Busch InBev
Dr. Lisa Neff
Dr. Marci Gleason
Duncan Houldsworth
Geoff Matthews
Fetch Rewards
Georgia Cohen
Gen Z Student
Gizelle Hinson
The Mindful Institute
Ian Mundorff
Jeanne Fu
M&T Bank
Jeff LIn
Jeremy Parker
Joe Kotz
Joshua Naffman
Laurel Van Tassel
Anheuser-Busch InBev
Lora Feinman
Lou Alaimo
Pim Brands
Meghan Reynolds
Rachel Goldflam
Veronica Beard
Sabrina Sirhal
Monster Energy
Sandra Moore
Shiv Singh
Author, Advisor & Board Member
Participating Brands Include